Sunday, July 29, 2007


Listening is one of the most important activities one can engage in. We all know that it involves patience, skill, and even a little concentration from time to time. We do it everyday. It may not always be of the highest quality, especially when it comes to your boss, teachers, parents, or spouse, but we still must actively listen to be able to perform our daily tasks. You cannot possibly do your job effectively, pass those difficult exams, or even satisfy your significant other without honing such a skill. Once again, I have learned the importance of listening from my job with GE Plastics in West Virginia. I have to listen closely to the procedures, tasks, and advice given to me by both my supervisor and the engineer with whom I work nearly every day in order to complete my work at a satisfactory level. I often take notes to aid me in remembering these things.

We must also apply this to our spiritual lives. Today, I was reminded of this during the service at Whitney's church and on my drive back to Parkersburg this evening. Mark Hall's sermon would not have had any effect on me had I not listened attentively to his words and payed attention to his gestures and those things which he emphasized. I also would have missed out on those little things being spoken to me during my quiet drive this evening.

This week, I intend to listen to the best of my ability. I am currently praying about whether or not to participate in a Walk to Emmaus this fall. To determine if this is right for me, I must listen. I challenge you to try and listen better in both your daily activities and spiritual life. See if you notice a change.


Jon Mark Hall said...

Sometimes it's hard to listen amidst the noise and distractions of the world. We need a little solitude in order to listen to our heart. Our heart will speak reason and truth. God speaks to us through our hearts. He knows there is no noise od distractions there, only life and truth, innocence and humility, compassion and love.

Damon Givens said...

I had blogger's block last night. If only I put in such perfect words. Distractions are my biggest problem right now. I hope my search for solitude is successful.