Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Real World

Everyone knows a time of a time in their life when everything seemed overwhelming, messy, confusing, frustrating, or just plain crazy. I see such an era quickly approaching. The job search is heating up. School will start again in January. Graduation will be in March. Depending on the location of my job, I will be looking for a house during this time...somewhere. Of course, the most joyous occasion will be marriage to Whitney on May 31.

Right now, it seems like a lot to take place in the next few months. Fortunately, I have the guidance and advice of friends and family. Most of all, I will put my trust in the Lord. A close friend of mine from work reminded me that He will guide me. I pray for open ears and eyes to hear and see where I should go. The most difficult thing I will have to do is resist the urge to try and control the situation according to my own will.

Anyway, I want to take this opportunity to bring those interested up to speed on my job search. I have had interviews on campus in Athens with The Timken Company in Canton and Babcock & Wilcox in Cleveland. I will be traveling to Canton sometime next month for a tour of The Timken Company's facilities and a final round of interviews. I have also had phone interviews with AEP in Columbus and U.S. Steel in northern Ohio. I expect to schedule an interview with AEP in the near future. Finally, I have an interview this Friday with Weastec, Inc. in Hillsboro for a position in Dublin.

As things continue to get messier and crazier with each day, I continue to pray for strength and guidance to make the best possible decisions to benefit me, Whitney, and the family we plan to start someday. I hope for a job that allows us to stay in the area near family, but we must take it one day at a time. The first job does not have to last a lifetime.

Do not fear the future or the unknown. Accept what happens and adapt as necessary. Everything happens for a reason. It makes us who we are.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

My Fourth Days

The "Fourth Days", of those individuals who have experienced a Walk to Emmaus, are as diverse as the initial reaction to the weekend's activities. During the weekend, I witnessed various actions and reactions that were a product of prayer, sacrifice, and unconditional love. Pilgrims confessed, praised, recommitted, and prioritized. No two responses were alike. I also listened to an array of stories describing the week after the Walk. Some pilgrims endured terrible weeks with a smile while others enjoyed one of the best weeks of their lives. My Fourth Days are equally unique.

My week after the GSVE Men's Walk #29 was an intense struggle. Before my walk, work tended to dominate my daily life through the week. I wanted to change that and let God dominate my life. My co-op at the plastic manufacturing plant has been demanding at times. That week was no different. I was plagued with a cold, numerous distractions, and deadlines. The devil was on my back in an effort to curb my enthusiasm, halt my prayers, and end my new habit of reading the Bible daily. Persevere. Never ever give up. Those are the words that touched me then and continue to drive me.

I have continued to read the Bible and my praying is much more consistent than it ever has been. I feel my priorities are better aligned and my relationships with others are growing. In spite of these changes, there are still struggles. My career and my life together with Whitney, the hidden path before me, continues to arouse feelings of fear. It is a fear of the future and the unknown. I am still struggling with giving up this fear and letting God's will determine my future. So, I will work on it, pray about it, and most of all, persevere.

Determine what difficulties you must deal with. Ask for God's help. Never give up.