Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Weddings, Weddings, and More Weddings

We all know that this is the popular time of year to have a wedding. Someone at work this week even mentioned the popularity of the date 7/7/07 for weddings. I thought it very interesting since I will, in fact, be attending one on that particular day. I am very much looking forward to the marriage of Matt and Chelsea this weekend. I am both excited and happy for them. They have patiently waited for a long time. From my experiences, all good things come to those who wait and many things in life are worth waiting for (love especially). These are not just cliches. I have proof. These two have become older siblings to me, each in their own way, and have influenced me as a couple despite the limited time I have spent with them due to school. I wish them the best as their lives become joined in the sacrament of marriage.

Anyway, getting to the meat of my post... Of course, all of this talk of weddings is making me look forward to my own even more. From the day I met Whitney, I have loved her. Exaggeration? Not a chance. Our very first day together can only be described as phenomenal. The latter days have been good to us, and I believe our relationship has only grown stronger as we emerged from the infamous "honeymoon" phase. More importantly, we have been able to see the bright side of our different faiths, me being a Catholic and Whitney belonging to the United Methodist Church. Rather than weakening our bonds, it has resulted in both of us being more patient, accepting, and appreciative of one another. I genuinely hope that our marriage will serve as an example to other Christians of the unity that we must embrace. The differences between denominations are nothing compared to that which they share.

Whitney and I have endured four years of college and jobs, which kept us separated, so far, and we are both looking forward to it coming to an end so that we might be together more often. I am looking forward to beginning our life together, wherever that may be. It will be our five year anniversary when we are wedded and more than three years since our engagement. Am I looking forward to my wedding? I have been since day one.


Anonymous said...

I love you! 10 months, and 27 days to go!!!!

Matt Bruning said...

Thanks for the kind words. Waiting sucks! LOL! I'm exicited for today and glad to have you there to be a part of it. You're a great guy and just think...we get to spend the rest of our lives together...sort of.